Privacy Policy

Last updated on

Dasar Privasi

Your Privacy

This page explains the underlying privacy that covers the use and protection of information which is provided by visitors.

If you carry out a transaction or send e - mail which contains personal information, this information might be shared with other public agency to assist the provision of a more efficient and effective service. For example, in resolving a complaint which requires feedback from other agencies.


Collected Information

No personal information will be collected when you surf this website unless the information you provided through an e - mail.


What Will Happen If I Linked To Other Websites?

This website has links to other websites. This privacy policy is valid for this website only. It is reminded that the linked websites may have different privacy policy and visitors are advised to read and understand the privacy policy of each website.


Policy Change

If this privacy policy is changed, the change will be updated in this website. By frequently surfing this page, you will be updated with the collected information, how they are used , and in certain conditions, how this information is shared with other parties.